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Spend any amount of time in an early childhood classroom, and you'll quickly realize that it's only natural for young children to be active. 
      Fingerplays and action rhymes captivate young students and help teachers channel their natural energy and enthusiasm into meaningful learning experiences.
      Fingerplays and action rhymes also help even beginning English language learners associate words and phrases with meaning.
Here are some funny action songs:

  Ссылки на интернет ресурсы: 



5 Little Caterpillars

You put you right hand in, (put hand in front of you)

You put your right hand out, (put hand behind you)

You put your right hand in, (put hand in front of you)

And you shake it all about. (shake hand)

You do the hokey pokey, (put hands up and shake them)

And you turn yourself around. (turn around)

That’s what it’s all about! (put arms up)

Repeat with:
left hand
right foot
left foot
whole self

These are
mother’s knives and forks,

(переплести руки, пальцы наверху, изображая
острые предметы)

This is
Mother’s table,  
(прижать пальцы, изображая ровную поверхность стола)
 This is
mother’s looking-glass,  
(ладошка находится у лица, разглядываем изображение
в «зеркале»)

And this is baby’s cradle.  

(сложить ладошки,
изображая детскую колыбельку и покачать)

It’s raining,
it’s pouring.  
(движения пальчиками, имитирующие капли дождя)

old man is snoring
(сложить руки за голову, изобразив подушку)  


He went to

(ладошки под щекой, как будто спим)

And bumped
his head 
(хлопнуть ладошкой по голове)

And couldn’t get up in the morning
головой, изображая

(http://lenabum1.ucoz.ru/music/ItsRaining-1-.mp3 ссылка на аудиофайл)

A Walk in the Jungle

Giraffe are tall, with necks so long. 

(Stand on tip
toes; raise arms high up into air.)

 Elephants' trunks are big and strong. 
(Make trunk with hand and arm.)

Zebras have stripes and can gallop away,  
(Gallop around in a circle.)

While monkeys in the trees do sway.   (Sway back and forth.)

Old crocodile swims in a pool so deep, 
(Pretend to swim.)

Or lies in the sun and goes to sleep. 
(Lay head on hands and close eyes.) 
A fine musician


Give everyone a rhythm instrument or pretend to play a
drum as you sing. Repeat
until you go crazy

I am a fine musician
 From London I have come

And I can play sweet music

Upon my little drum

Boom, boom , boom
Boom, boom , boom

I want to clap my hands

During the first verse clap you hands in time
with the music.  In the
second and third verses stamp your feet or wave your hand as if waving bye-bye.

I want to clap my hands
 when I
see you
I want to clap my hands today
 I want to clap my hands and now I stop
How are you today ?
 I want to stamp my feet when I see you
 I want to stamp my feet today
I want to stamp my feet and now I stop
How are you today ?
 I want to wave hello when I see you

I want to wave hello today
I want to wave hello and now I stop
 How are you today ?


I'm very, very tall.

(Raise hands above head; stand
on tiptoes.)

I'm very, very small.
(Crouch down close to ground.)

Sometimes tall,
(Up again.)
 Sometimes small.
(Down again.)
 Guess what I am now!

(Students choose a position; teacher may ask, "Are
you tall or small?" Student should be able to respond correctly.)

"Tall" and "small" may be replaced with
"young" and "old," "hot" and "cold,"
"pretty" and "ugly," "noisy" and
 "quiet," etc.

My Five Senses  

small mouth for eating,
(Point to mouth)  
nose for smelling,
(Point to nose)   

two eyes for seeing,
(Point to eyes)  
two ears for hearing,
(Point to ears)     
two hands for touching
(Point to hands)

my head?
(Lean head on both hands, as if to·
For sleeping. )

My Friendly Hands
I have two hands. And
they are very special hands    
can clap together,

can roll together,
(Roll hands)   
can rub together,
(Rub together)    
they can give each other a hug
(Hold hands together)   
Just like two friends.

Hello Hello 

Hello, hello.
(Wave one hand, then the other hand)

Can you clap your hands? (Clap!)

Hello, hello. (Wave!)

Can you clap your hands? (Clap!)

Can you
stretch up high? (Stretch!)

Can you touch your toes?

(Bend down and touch your toes)

Can you turn around?

(Turn around)

Can you say hello?

(Wave, then say hello to as many people as you can!)

Hello, hello.

Can you stamp your feet?

(Stamp your feet.)

Hello, hello.


Can you stamp your feet?

(Stamp your feet.)

Can you stretch up high?


Can you touch your toes?

(Bend down and touch your toes)

Can you turn around?

(Turn around)

Can you say hello?

(Wave, then say hello to as many people as you can!)

Hello, hello.


Can you clap your hands?


Hello, hello.


Can you stamp your feet.

(Stamp your feet!)

Hello Song Lyrics:

Hello, hello, hello
Hello, hello, hello
How are you?

Let's make a circle (x3)
Good idea!

Let's walk this way(x3)
Good idea!

Hello, hello, hello
Hello, hello, hello
How are you?

Let's clap our hands (x3)
Good idea!

Hello, hello, hello
Hello, hello, hello
 How are you?

                         Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear, Teddy

Turn around.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

Touch the ground.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

Show your shoe.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

 That will do!

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

Go upstairs.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

 Say your prayers.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

Switch off the light.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,

 Say "Good night!"

Number one, touch
 your tongue

Number one, touch
your tongue.

Number two, touch your shoe.

Number three, touch your knee.

Number four, touch the floor.

Number five, learn to jive.

Number six, pick up sticks.

Number seven, go to heaven.

Number eight, over the gate

Number nine, touch your spine.

 Number ten - do it again.

While saying this
 rhyme the child bounce its ball and tries to do the described action.

Circle Time Chant

Make a circle all together.

Make a circle all together.

Make a circle all together.

 Make a circle NOW!

Stomp your feet all

Stomp your feet all together.

Stomp your feet all together.

 Stomp your feet NOW!

Jump up and down

Jump up and down altogether.

Jump up and down altogether.

 Jump up and down NOW!

Dance 'round the
circle altogether.

Dance 'round the circle altogether.

Dance 'round the circle altogether.

 Dance 'round the circle NOW!

Shhh! Be quiet

Shhh! Be quiet altogether.

Shhh! Be quiet altogether.

 Shhh! Be quiet. NOW!

Let's sit down

Let's sit down altogether.

Let's sit down altogether.

Let's sit down NOW!

The Elephant

The elephant walks

Like this and like that;

(Get down on all fours and walk back and forth.)

He's very tall,

(Stand and stretch arms up.)

And he's very fat.

(Stretch arms out to sides.)

He has no fingers,

(Hold hands up, making fists to hide fingers.)

But he does have toes,

(Reach down and touch toes.)

And, goodness gracious,

What a nose!

(Grab nose between fingers and thumb of left hand; insert right arm through
loop to form elephant's trunk.)