Speak Out - журнал для изучающих английский язык за 2009 год

Название: Speak Out - журнал для изучающих английский язык за 2009 год Год / месяц: 2009 Номер: 71-76 Издательство:Глосса-Пресс Формат: PDF Размер: 169МВ Страниц:200

Speak Out - цветной иллюстрированный журнал для изучающих и преподающих английский язык. На его страницах - информация об англоязычных странах, новости музыкальной жизни, короткие рассказы, сценарии пьес для постановки в школьных театрах, поэтические конкурсы, тексты популярных песен, кроссворды и чайнворды, психологические тесты, логические задачи, а также такие серьезные вещи, как образцы заданий, предлагаемых абитуриентам на вступительных экзаменах.
Содержание: сдвоенный выпуск 71-72 (основная тема: Канада)
выпуск 73 (основные темы: Москва, Том Сойер)
выпуск 74 (основные темы: пират Френсис Дрейк, Скотланд Ярд, Зак Эфрон)
выпуск 75 (основные темы: Уэльс, Кэтрин Зета Джонс)
выпуск 76 (основные темы: Аляска )

 Speak Out - журнал для изучающих английский язык за 2005 год Номер: 1 - 6 

Speak Out - журнал для изучающих английский язык за 2003 год Номер: 35-39

Speak Out - журнал для изучающих английский язык за 2001 год Номер: 23-28

Speak Out - журнал для изучающих английский язык за 2002 год Номер: 29-34
Speak Out - журнал для изучающих английский язык за 2006 год Номер: 53-58

Speak Out - журнал для изучающих английский язык за 2004 год Номер: 17-22

Kids& Beginner Course Lessons

Course 1 Lessons
Unit  intro – Alphabet & Phonics Resources.
Aim: Teach letters of the alphabet
Unit   1 – Greetings - Hello
Aim: Teach basic greetings – Hello, Hi, Goodbye.
Unit   2 – What’s your name?
Aim: To teach kids how to say their names.
 Unit   3 – How old are you?
Aim: Teach kids how to say their age and  learn numbers 1 to 5.
 Unit   4 – Numbers – How many?
Aim: Teach kids how to count from 1 to 10.
Unit   5 A – Colours – What colour is it?
Aim: Teach kids how to describe things through colours.
 Unit 5 B - Colours Vocabulary
 Aim: Teach colours vocabulary
Unit 5 C - Green Monster Colours Lesson
 Aim: Teach colours through a colours songs
Unit   6 – Fruits – I like apples.
Aim: Teach kids names of fruits and how to express likes
. Unit  7 – Body – I have a head.
Aim: Teach kids parts of the body.
Unit  8–  Actions  – I can, I can’t.
Aim: Teach kids how to express ability using simple action verbs.

Course 2 Lessons
Unit  1 – Animals – Farms Animals.
Aim: Teach students how to express preference by using vocabulary related to farm animals.
 Unit   2 – Family Members
Aim: Teach words and expressions used when describing family.
Unit  3 – School bag
Aim: To teach words and expressions related to classroom items.
 Unit   4 – Actions – Can and Can’t
 Aim: Teach action verbs
Unit   5 – Shapes & Sizes
Aim: Teach various shapes and adjectives to describe size.
Unit   6 – Demonstrative Pronouns – This/That/These/Those
Aim: Teach  singular and plurals of nouns and demonstrative pronouns.
 Unit   7 – Numbers – 10 to 100
Aim: Teach numbers 10 to 100 and pronunciation differences between long and short vowels.
Unit  8 – Toys – Where is it?
Aim: Teach  words and expressions related to toys and to ask where things are.
Unit  9 –  Days of the week and weekly activities
Aim: Teach days of the week and some things we do weekly.
Unit 10 -   Weather – What’s the weather like?
Aim: Teach students how to ask about the weather and describe it.
 Unit 11 -   Food – What do you want to eat
 Aim: Teach students about the things we eat and express want

Course 3 Lessons
Unit  1 – Pets : Why do you like dogs?
Aim: Teach  names of pets and give a brief description of pets using personality adjectives.
 Unit   2a – Time – What time is it?
Aim: Teach students how to tell the time and also how to talk about daily routines.
Unit   2b – Time – What time is it?
Aim: Teach students how to tell the time using quarter to/past/ Half past etc.
 Unit   3 – Months & birthdays – When is your birthday?
Aim: Teach students months of the year and how to tell dates using months and ordinal numbers.
 Unit   4 – Jobs – What people do.
Aim: To teach kids how to describe jobs using action verbs.
 Unit  5  – Actions – What are you doing?
Aim: Students will learn how to describe actions in progress using the present progressive.
Unit   6 – Transport – How do you come to school?
Aim: Teach students different means of transport and talk about going around.
Unit   7 – Clothes – What are you wearing today?
Aim: To learn to describe what someone is wearing.
 Unit   8 –  Where is it? – At home
Aim: Teach kids prepositions of place, alongside rooms and things at home.
Unit  9a – Vegetables – How much are the carrots?
Aim: Teach kids vegetable vocabulary and how to go shopping for veggies.
Unit  9b – Vegetables – Extra Vegetable Vocabulary lesson - Cauliflower, broccoli etc.
Aim: Teach students extra vegetable vocabulary.
Unit  10 –  Weather  and clothes  - Put on your sunglasses.
Aim: Teach kids how to talk about clothes relative to the weather.
Unit 11 -  Zoo – What does a panda look like?
Aim: To teach students how to describe zoo animals by what they eat and look like.

Отличный сайт с большим количеством ссылок на видеоресурсы. Видеоуроки для детей, начинающих, интересные видео для использования на уроках по различным темам.


News Center is an animated newscast with six stories. Newscenter can help students learn academic English and develop test taking skills for standardized listening tests such as TOEFL®, TOEIC® and IELTS®.

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