
A quote (or "quotation") is usually a short text - perhaps one or two sentences - written or spoken by one (usually famous) person and often repeated or at least known by others. Every language has its famous quotes, and they range from highly amusing to deadly serious. Often they express a deep truth in a short, clever way - even the amusing ones.

English Sayings

Proverbs and Sayings Quizzes

Try these fun quizzes to check your understanding of English sayings and proverbs. You can choose from random numbered quizzes or quizzes categorized by the underlying subject of the sayings. There are 240 questions, with 10 questions in each quiz set. Answers are available online.

Commonly-used Proverbs - Matching Quiz #1

Commonly-used Proverbs - Matching Quiz #2

Commonly-used Proverbs - Matching Quiz #3

Proverbs Matching Quiz 4

Commonly-used Proverbs - Matching Quiz #5

Commonly-used Proverbs - Matching Quiz #6

Commonly-used Proverbs - Matching Quiz #7

Commonly-used Proverbs

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