SpeedWords = Spelling Game


Homonyms 2

Drag the words on the right to where they belong.

Match the homonyms.

SpeedWords = Spelling Game

Homonyms 3

Drag the words on the right to where they belong.

Match the homonyms.

SpeedWords = Spelling Game

Opposites  1

Find the words that match.


Opposites 2

Drag the words on the right to where they belong.


Verbs & Nouns (Advise - Advice, etc.)

MatchWords |

English exercises  Frequent mistakes

English exercises Homonyms

Compass Directions Game

           Word Confusion

There isn't room for one more ______ in my computer's memory.
   byte      bite        

Click on the correct word to complete the sentence.

The Grammar Gorillas

Our friends, the Grammar Gorillas, need help identifying parts of speech. If you click on the right word in the sentence, our friends get a banana. And you know, a gorilla with a banana is a gorilla with appeal.

Solve the crime